Kalender av Evenemang
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1 evenemang,
Introduktion till Nonviolent Communication
Introduktion till Nonviolent Communication
Den första dagen varje månad erbjuder Föreningen Nonviolent Communication i Sverige (FNVCS) en introduktionsföreläsning i NVC. NVC är en kommunikationsmodell som syftar till att stärka kontakten mellan människor. När vi har kontakt är det lättare att kommunicera, samarbeta och göra … Läs mer
0 evenemang,
1 evenemang,
Introduction to needs
Introduction to needs
Introduction to needs Welcome to our first Zoom Talk! This is the introduction to the Needs’ Year. In this Zoom Talk you will meet Joachim Berggren, Carolyn Davies and other certified NVC trainers. We will talk about needs from the perspective of Nonviolent Commucation and our own experience. … Läs mer
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0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
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1 evenemang,
NVC Intensive Course. Level 1. Edition 3.
NVC Intensive Course. Level 1. Edition 3.
Take part in an intensive online course introducing you to Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Change the way you perceive the relationships with others, start speaking in a slightly different manner and observe how more meaningful and satisfying your life becomes.
1 evenemang,
Community – Zoom Talk with Volkmar Richter
Community – Zoom Talk with Volkmar Richter
Welcome to Week 2 of the Needs’ Year! This week Joachim Berggren will have a conversation with Volkmar Richter about the need of Community. Registration: To receive the access to the Zoom link, choose the free or the premium subscription of “The Needs’ Year” HERE! Date of the Zoom Talk: 11 January … Läs mer