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When an NVC trainer goes into an organisation…
2022-09-26 kl. 13:00 - 2022-10-01 kl. 13:00
10300 SEK – 15000 SEKWhen an NVC trainer goes into an organisation…
Sharing NVC in organisations is a very specific challenge for a trainer. While on open workshops you will have participants that really want to learn NVC and are even happy to pay for this, in organisations you regularly have participants that actually don’t want to attend this workshop. Or they believe they know it all anyway. And so they want to be elsewhere.
Besides this, there are very often already so many deep conflicts in the team/organisation, that it makes no sense to share NVC in these settings, as first the pain or distress needs to be surfaced, addressed and dealt with, before the space opens up for learning. Can you help them with that?
And as if the above was not enough – very often, while working with the organisation, many systemic issues open up and it quickly becomes clear they need to be addressed and transformed. The team/organisation has already tried all they could, yet things did not improve. Can you help them?
In this practical course we will be exploring together many specific skills, theory and processes that can help you when intending to bring NVC consciousness into an organisation, and perhaps even transform it.
We will be, in practical terms, covering the following key topics:
1. Entering an organisation
a) Challenges of meeting with decision makers and gatekeepers
b) Introducing NVC to a sceptical group
2. Language, design and demonstrations
a) Focus on needs with the language that meets
b) Demonstrations as a powerful tool to get the idea across
3. Handling conflicts in groups
a) Formal mediation in groups and between groups
b) Informal interventions when triggering happens in a workshop
4. Facilitating systemic changes I
a) Evaluating the past and learning from it (FFFF)
b) Mapping the wider context
c) From abstract ideas to specific team projects
5. Facilitating systemic changes II
a) From mechanical to appreciative approach of evaluation
b) Implementing the power of dreaming
Read more and register here.
From 26 September 2022 (Monday) at 13:00 to 1 October 2022 (Saturday) at 13:00 CEST
Number of participants: 12-25
Assöslingan 7
769 42 Väddö, Sweden
Website: Granhill Barnens Ö (barnenso.se)
The retreat takes place in a course facility with a simple standard.
Bring bed linen, towels and toiletries.
During the retreat, we will not only have the opportunity to take part in Robert’s workshop, but also to collaborate in a small community. We can arrange excursions to nature, dance and play music in the evenings, etc. All ideas are welcome. The course facility is secluded and beautiful by a bay with great opportunities for nature experiences. Maybe you want to take a daily run or why not a dip in the sea (do not count on warmth)?
The food will be vegan and vegetarian (organic).
If you have any special requests, please, let us know as soon as possible.
Price is including all costs (trainer’s fee + accomodation and food):
Single room (only 5): 11 100 – 15 000 SEK. All single rooms are now occupied. If you want to sleep alone, please write it in the comment field and we put you in the queue.
Double room: 10 300 – 14 000 SEK.
If you have difficulty financing the retreat, contact the organisers and we will make a plan.
If we become enough participants, there is room for voluntary work with reduction of cost.
Do you have experience in vegetarian cooking, maybe you want to take responsibility for the food? Contact the organisers for a talk.
To book your place, pay 500 SEK max. 7 days after registration.
Bank details (for Swedes, see below):
Currency code: SEK
IBAN: SE0530000000032600308261
Joachim’s address (account owner):
Joachim Berggren
Ervallakroken 11
Bank address:
Nordea Bank Plc, branch in Sweden
Smålandsgatan 17
105 71 Stockholm
Phone of the bank: +46 (0)8-614 70 00
Organisation number of the bank: 516406-0120
For Swedes:
Kontonummer Nordea: 3260 03 08261 (de fyra första siffrorna är clearingnummer)
Betalningsmottagare: Joachim Berggren
Wait with buying your plane/train/bus tickets until the organiser confirms that the retreat is happening.
Cancellation policy
If the organisers cancel the retreat, you will get the whole amount back.
If you cancel your participation:
– until 22 August 2022, you will get the whole amount back minus 200 SEK;
– after 22 August 2022, you will not get any part of your fee back. If you find another person who wants your place, you can do that. You would then handle the transfer of money between yourselves.
Robert Maoz Kržišnik, MSc. Psych., Certified Trainer and Mediator with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication, used to work as a psychotherapist for 12 years, and has been working with groups for 34 years as a trainer, facilitator, team coach, mediator. His main topics are communication, conflict resolution, leadership, team collaboration, personal evolution. He worked and has still been working with a vast range of organisations, from banks and other financial institutions, pharmaceutical firms, manufacturing factories, hi-tech companies…, as well as with NGO-s…
He led group processes in over 30 countries on four continents, using primarily approaches of Nonviolent Communication, and also Art of Hosting, Bohmian Dialogue…